Support Directory

Dedicated Bereavement Support.

A directory of support services for offering support for Bereavement through Suicide across Wales and the UK.

links for support services

2 Wish Cymru

Provides immediate and ongoing bereavement support for families, individuals and professionals affected by the sudden and traumatic death of a child or young adult aged 25 or under.

Ogmore Valley Suicide Awareness

We aim to Develop Community Champions, Provide information and awareness sessions, Provide grief and loss support, Well-being Support and Connect with the Community.

Jacob Abraham Foundation

We aim to help prevent suicide through direct intervention with vulnerable people, raise awareness on mental health/suicide issues, promote positive mental health and support people bereaved through suicide in South Wales.

Jac Lewis Foundation

The Jac Lewis Foundation is a charity dedicated to delivering mental health and wellbeing support across Wales and within the community.

LiSS – Living in Suicide’s Shadow

Peer-to-peer support group created to ensure that those who have been bereaved by suicide have a chance to speak about their experience and the person they have lost in West Wales. Monthly meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month and also a monthly walk mid-month that rotates between the 3 counties for those bereaved by suicide and their families.

The DPJ Foundation

Welsh mental health charity to support those in agriculture and rural communities with mental health problems. There are three main strands to our service: Support through specific local counselling, Awareness through community activities and social media discussing mental health, Mental Health Awareness we offer a bespoke training package to help. 

Sandy Bear

Sandy Bear is a not-for-profit charity dedicated to improving and strengthening the emotional health and well-being of children, young people and their families, who have experienced the death of a loved one. We aim to reduce emotional difficulties in childhood and the prevalence of mental illness in later life that can result in a decreased quality of life, poorer educational attainment, social and health problems and increased vulnerability.


Still need help? Contact us for support

The National Advisory and Liaison Service (NALS) is a free, confidential, emotional and practical support service for anyone in Wales affected by suicide.

Contact Us